Welcome to
Get Kids Back to School!
Who We Are

Founded in the aftermath of the destruction of education by pandemic zealots, GKBTS works to support policies and identify candidates who will better education for all students in Michigan.
Recent reports show an alarming trend:
Multiple districts, including Ann Arbor and Wayne-Westland, having massive financial issues, where the only suggested solutions are firing teachers and raising class sizes;
Michigan having fallen to 41st in the state ranking of educational excellence, an embarrassing effort by any measure; and
Numerous districts changing policies and procedures, even to exclude parents, in fear of liberal lawfare.
Join us at the links above to stay abreast of our current efforts. If you'd like to help local candidates with their work, contact us as well. And if you can't volunteer but are so inclined, a generous donation at the link above is always appreciated. Thanks for what you do!